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Features of Unity Clouds

Unity Clouds

Unity clouds feature a variety of options for creating realistic clouds. There are several cloud types and three different mapping modes. Each mode has different settings for different types of clouds. The advanced mode uses separate textures for each type of cloud, and generates a cloud map using the HDRP internal cloud lookup table. Manual mode uses the cloud map and lookup table provided by the user. Different cloud types include sparse, cloudy, and overcast.

Content Delivery: Content Delivery is another important feature of unity clouds. It helps developers deliver game content to users faster. With this technology, developers can update cloud content across various environments and platforms without having to create multiple builds and manually upload each. This ensures that players always receive the most recent experience. The Unity Cloud Content Delivery tool has many features that can help developers create better cloud experiences.

Volumetric clouds: The Volumetric cloud feature is available with Unity 2021.2 and above. To create volumetric clouds, you must create an HDRP project and enable volumetric clouds. You can customize the volumetric clouds’ settings in the volume inspector. Once you’ve set up the settings, you’re ready to add the clouds to your game.

Cloud Content Delivery: Whether you want to create a video game or a 3D game, the Unity Cloud Content Delivery service will help you distribute your creation. With this service, you’ll be able to share and play your game with a large audience. The service also supports live game streaming. Unity’s Cloud Content Delivery service is engine-agnostic, so it is compatible with many game engines.

Features of Unity Clouds

Global Wind Speed: When selecting this setting, you can choose a global wind speed and orientation relative to the visual environment. The Cloud Map multiplier affects the speed of the map. Cloud Shape and Erosion Factor control the brightness of the clouds and the amount of ambient light they suppress. These values are editable in Advanced Mode and Manual Mode.

Override Control: In addition to using the default value for the Value property, the Volume system allows override control at runtime. You can override these settings by specifying overrideState. OverrideState indicates to the Volume system whether or not to use the value of the property or the default value.

The Global Wind Speed and Orientation affect the speed and appearance of your clouds. You can also set a multiplier for the Cloud Map and Cloud Shape settings. Higher values will make the clouds more intense while lower values suppress the ambient light. Then, you can adjust the Erosion Factor to determine the amount of occlusion within a cloud. These settings are accessible in Custom Presets, Advanced Mode, and Manual Mode.

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