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It’s Belgian: Hubert Antoine, a short life but continued

Lhe first novel by Antoine Hubert, Dance of the Short Life, was essentially made up of Melitza’s notebooks. She told her life in 2006: a rape, a love, a revolution, then the interruption on October 27 of that year, the fault of a bullet received in the chest. At the end of the story, Melitza’s father described the day, his daughter’s last look and her body carried away by Evo, the beloved man: “Melitza, I can’t help but believe that you were among the most beautiful hands that are to pass to the other side. Hands in tune with the pure intensity of life. The hands of your love. “

Rossel Prize 2016, the book had marked the spirits. Enough for us to be happy to find not only the author in a second novel but also Melitza herself, Evo and her father, characters who have become familiar that it would have been heartbreaking to abandon on the pretext of a death. Because what is death in Mexico, if not one experience among many?

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