Understanding Beagle behavior and how it can help you train your Beagle
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Understanding Beagle behavior and how it can help you train your Beagle

When deciding whether to get a Beagle, it’s important to learn about their common behavior. Learning about Beagle behavior makes it easier to determine if Beagles are the right type of breed for your home. Beagles make attractive pets because they are small, playful, and generally quite friendly. However, like all other dog breeds, Beagles do have some drawbacks. Knowing those drawbacks may not stop you from getting a Beagle, but you will know what signs to look out for.

History of the Beagle

Beagles were originally used for hunting dogs. They were expected to search for and find animals and to let their owners know where the animals were. With their exceptional sniffing abilities and desire to follow animal scent trails, Beagles fit this role perfectly. The energetic nature of Beagles also came in handy on all-day hunting trips. Many times owners have problems with their Beagles because they are not getting enough exercise and have too much energy. After looking at Beagle history, it’s easy to understand why it would be good to know the characteristics of Beagles before getting one.


One of the most common complaints that owners have about their Beagles is the dog’s habit of barking in various different situations. Beagles bark when they want attention, or when they notice someone getting close, and just because they like to bark. Even if you understand why a Beagle barks at everything, dealing with the problem can be difficult.


Like their late ancestors, Beagles roam following their nose wherever it leads them. Beagles are difficult to follow and most owners find it necessary to have a fence before letting their dog roam free. Plan to implement security measures to prevent your Beagle from escaping when you leave him outside.


Although beagles are normally friendly and playful, they can become aggressive in certain circumstances. Beagles can become aggressive around food and will sometimes have trouble getting along with other dogs because of this. Most of the time, addressing this problem early on will solve it.


While there are many things to worry about with your new puppy, all of these problems can be avoided. By training your puppy in obedience early on and giving your Beagle the chance to meet lots of new dogs, you can ensure you have a happy and healthy puppy.

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